Mark Chorvinsky's latest investigation reveals that Hollywood makeup artists believe that the famous Patterson Bigfoot film is of a person in a suit; Planet of the Apes makeup pioneer John Chambers is the "prime suspect".



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Welcome to the Strange Magazine Web site: the online version of Strange Magazine. Strange is the twice-yearly, 68-page print magazine that takes an objective, level-headed approach to strange phenomena. This website includes new material never published in the print magazine, plus features from back issues of the print mag. Most of the current print mag is not on this site; if like what you see, please subscribe.

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Current Issue
Joel Carpenter's in-depth look into the Air Force's second officially announced flying saucer capture. Mark Chorvinsky explores the case of make-up master John Chambers and the Patterson Bigfoot suit. Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans on living pteradactyls, Dr. Karl P.N. Shuker's Menagerie of Mystery, Fred Olen Ray's Tucson Diary, Fortean Fellini, strange news, huge book review section, more.

Back Issues
At one time or another we've covered UFOs, haunted places, time travel, underground mysteries, sea monsters, carnivorous plants, and many more unusual topics. Follow this link for descriptions of Strange Magazine back issues.
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If you want strange phenomena with a brain, try STRANGE MAGAZINE.

Jerome Clark, in the Encyclopedia of Strange and Unexplained Physical Phenomena, writes: "Strange reflects its editor's [Mark Chorvinsky] attitude toward anomalous phenomena: open-minded but not credulous. Published semiannually, each issue of Strange is 68 pages long, full of lively graphics and well-written, well-researched articles. It is essential reading for all committed anomalists."

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PO Box 2246
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Strange has covered such topics as the crystal skulls, swamp monsters, earth mysteries, Bigfoot, scientific anomalies, UFOs, synchronicity, parapsychology, ghosts and poltergeists, urban legends, numerous hoaxes, the alien autopsy film, carnivorous plants, mermaids, the Shroud of Turin, living dinosaurs, "alien abductions," the Thunderbird Photo search, Peruvian Glowing Mummies, Men in Black, glowing eyes, crop circles, Life From Space, the X Files, death rays, time travel, little people, sideshows, paranormal investigation, the Mono Grande, vanishing islands, martian mysteries, flying saucers and pop culture, hairy people, the Orange Show, the Catman, sea serpent carcasses, pitted windshields, humanoids, the Bermuda Triangle, cryptozoology, the Wisconsin werewolf, the Dwayyo, mad scientists, unusual people (John A. Keel, Jack Parsons, Wilhelm Reich, Jacques Bergier, H. P. Lovecraft), the Roswell Incident, the Yeti, archeological anomalies, subterranean mysteries, and much more.

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